Technical data

Using AeroScout
© 2012 Meru Networks, Inc. Managing the System 39
Using AeroScout
The AeroScout System version 3 (but not version 2) product works with Meru control-
lers and AP300 (in Virtual Cell or non-Virtual Cell mode) and AP150 (in non-Virtual
Cell mode only) to locate and track tagged assets to deliver direct benefits such as
process automation and theft prevention. Tags are small, battery-powered devices
attached to equipment or personnel. See AeroScout’s web site for more detailed
information about the various tags available from AeroScout.
AeroScout tags do not associate to an access point; instead they send out beacon
signals in pre-configurable intervals or when an event is triggered (the tag is in
motion, a button is pressed, etc.). Messages transmitted by AeroScout tags are
received by access points and are forwarded with additional information, such as RSSI
values or signal strength measurements, to the AeroScout Engine. The Engine calcu-
lates the accurate location of the tag.
Reporting Tags do not affect the normal operation of access points; they keep
performing in all of the supported modes (802.11a/b/g communication). AeroScout
Tags also do not have an IP address and are unidirectional in the sense that they
transmit and do not receive standard Wi-Fi messages.
For APs to process the tag signals and communicate with the AeroScout Engine, the
AeroScout Engine-AP Interface protocol must be implemented on access points. In
Figure 3, the AeroScout solution architecture is shown. The following is the
high-level process that occurs in the implementation:
AeroScout tags send short wireless messages at a regular interval.
The signal is received by access points that are connected to a Meru controller
running AeroScout software, and the signal is sent to the AeroScout engine along
with its measured signal strength.
The AeroScout engine uses signal strength to determine the coordinates of the
reported location, and sends this data to AeroScout MobileView.
AeroScout MobileView uses location data to display maps, enable searches, create
alerts, manage assets, interface to third parties through an API.