Technical data

Adding an ESS with the CLI
© 2012 Meru Networks, Inc. Configuring an ESS 65
Restricted by the number of clients supported by the controller
Restricted by the number of AP radios On AP300/AP400, the theoretical
maximum number of Virtual Ports is 128 per radio. Meru’s best practices
recommendation is to have no more than 64 per radio.
Restricted by Virtual Cell There is a hard limit of 2007 Virtual Ports per Virtual
Cell. This number is set by the standard of having no more than 2007 associations
per single BSSID. In Meru's environment, each BSSID represents a Virtual Cell.
Configuring Probe Response Threshold
The Probe Response Threshold configures the way in which an AP responds to
requests based on its distance from the transmitting device. It is designed to ensure
that the AP responds more swiftly to requests sent from stations located nearby. It
is configurable through GUI support in addition to the AP CLI. This feature is also
configured via bulk update on a per-AP interface level. The default probe response
threshold on AP is 15.
This value can be viewed by connecting to
Radio show radio0/1
ic_meru.icm_rssiThreshold = 15
Change in CLI
To change SNR value to 20
ap 7>
ap 7> radio prt radio0 threshold 20
Verify using radio show radio0
ap 7> radio show radio0
=== radio0 ===
Device Name = radio0
If index = 0
If Mode = 11NG
ic_meru.icm_rssiThreshold = 20
ic_meru.nodeallocated = 7
ic_meru.nodefreed = 3
ic_meru.icm_ibss_prot = off