Operation Manual

Please attach a description of the fault to
the power tool.
The machine’s packaging can be 100 %
Worn out machines and accessories
contain considerable amounts of valua-
ble raw and plastic materials, which can
be recycled.
These instructions are printed on chlo-
rine-free bleached paper.
Prior to any servicing:
Switch Off.
Wait until machine has come to a
complete stop.
Check to see that all safety devices are
operational after any servicing.
14.1 All operating modes
Motor does not run
No supply voltage.
Check cables, plug, outlet and
mains fuse.
E-stop pushbutton actuated.
Unlock by turning clockwise.
Undervoltage relay tripped by tempo-
rary voltage failure.
Start again.
Operating mode selector not set to
desired operating mode.
Set operating mode selector to
desired operating mode, then start
operating mode again.
Motor has overheated, e.g. due to blunt
cutting tools, overloading or chip
Remove cause for overheating and
allow to cool down for approx. 10
minutes, then start again.
14.2 Surface/thickness planer
Motor does not run
Safety switches on planing beds and/or
dust chute signal that the cutterblock is
not sufficiently covered.
Swing planing beds fully down (sur-
face planing).
Swing dust chute over cutterblock
and let engage (thickness planing).
Performance lessens
Cutter knives blunt.
Install sharp knives.
Planed surface not smooth
Cutter knives blunt.
Install sharp knives.
Cutter knives blocked by chips.
Remove chips.
Moisture contents of workpiece too high.
Dry workpiece.
Planed surface cracked
Cutter knives blunt.
Install sharp knives.
Cutter knives blocked by chips.
Remove chips.
Workpiece was planed against the grain.
Plane workpiece in opposite direc-
Too much material removed in one pass.
Make several passes at less depth
of cut.
Worked surface uneven:
Cutter knives are installed unequal.
Adjust cutter knives with setting
Feed rate too little (thicknessing)
Resin buildup on thicknesser bed.
Clean thicknesser bed and apply
light coat of anti-seize compound.
Feed rollers stiff.
Repair feed rollers.
Workpiece jams
Too much material removed in one pass.
Make several passes at less depth
of cut.
14.3 circular saw
Loss of cutting performance
Saw blade blunt (possibly tempering
marks on blade body)
Replace saw blade.
Sliding carriage stiff:
Guide elements dirty.
Clean guide elements with brush,
compressed air or dust collector.
14.4 spindle moulder
Motor does not run
Cutter spindle drive guard hood not
Close guard hood.
Cutter spindle lock pin pushed in.
Pull lock pin out.
Performance lessens
Cutter blunt.
Replace cutter.
Belt slips on pulleys.
Re-tension belt.
Blocked dust port
No dust collector hooked up:
connect dust collector.
Dust build-up around the cutter spindle.
Remove table insert rings, move
cutter spindle up and down and
clean surroundings with brush or
compressed air and dust collector.
Sliding carriage stiff:
Guide elements dirty.
Clean and lubricate guide elements.
13. Environmetal Protection
14. Trouble Shooting