Operations Manual

HOSTMODE, CONTINUE Continue transmitting if Host connection lost, but use
idle probes to indicate the Host connection is lost so
Remotes can pick a different Master who has a host
Commands used are:
DEVICE, MASTER Identify unit type
ID, MM, INIT Define the ID (MM) of a Master
BASE, L,H ALL units must know low and high ID range for Bases.
REPEATER, B Any Repeater must know the Base to which it repeats.
CONNECT, N,N,N Used to limit connectivity to specified Master list (N,N,N) or
CONNECT, OFF Used if manual override of connectivity is not required.
HOSTMODE, AAAA Define transmit mode when DTA port in MCS protocol mode
fails. This can be set to OFF, STOP or CONTINUE.
DESTINATION, 1 Default destination for Remotes set to special” ID for Host
4.8.2 Remote To Master Assignment
Meteor Burst networks are usually static in nature. There is usually no reason for Remotes to
move around although mobile networks are possible. To minimize manual bookkeeping at the
Master Stations and to provide reliable efficient routing of messages and remote commands from
Masters to Remotes, Remotes are each configured to select their own Master. Remotes can be
configured to select their own Master Station in a fixed, preferred or automatic way using the ID
command as discussed in the following paragraphs. Usable Remote IDs range from 256 to 4095
and usable Master IDs range from 1 to 245. Fixed Master Selection
Each Remote is told to use a particular Master Station. All other Master Stations are ignored. If
a Master Station goes offline, its Remotes are no longer accessible in the network. The ID
command defines both the Remote ID and its Master ID. The command used is:
ID,NNNN,MM where NNNN is the Remote ID and MM is the Master ID Preferred Master Selection
In networks with more than one Master, it is desirable to let data Remotes send their data to any
Master but still allow a single route between Master and Remote for outbound remote commands
and text messages. Also, if one Master is offline, it is desirable for the Remote to use another
Master to deliver its data through. This mode lets the Remote pick the best Master by counting