User Manual

Model 2200P Page 21
5.13 Temperature
5.14.1 The temperature of the process can be read at any time by entering the menu and
scrolling through the menu until TEMPERATURE LED is illuminated. Either °C or
°F will be indicated depending on the position of DIP switch No.1 of Bank S1. If the
temperature is suspected of being incorrect, place the S41 switch on the back of the
main circuit board, in the up position, (this places a 300 ohm across the BL and YL
terminals) the temperature should read 25°C or 77°F. If not return S41 to down
position and re-calibrate the temperature as per Section 7.4.
5.14.2 The 0-5 Vdc and 0-1 mA analog outputs can be selected to track the process
temperature by simply placing DIP switch No. 8 of Bank S1. in the OFF position.
The temperature span of the output is set to the utility menu. See Section 7.4.
5.14 Status
5.15.1 The 2200P continuously checks the integrity of all stored data and monitors the
condition of the measuring system. If a fault is detected, the STATUS LED above
the display will change from green to red. When this occurs, enter the menu and
scroll through the menu until the STATUS LED illuminates. The display will show a
numerical code to assist you, in correcting the problem.
The following table shows the display codes, causes and remedies:
0 Normal Condition No action required
1 Reserved
2 Temperature Sensor off Scale Check for open or short
connections of temperature sensor
input (Terminals BK & YL on TB2)
3 PH reading off Scale Verify process. Check for open or
short connections
4* Memory Loss Call your AquaMetrix Rep. Or
AquaMetrix directly
5 Reserved
6 Calibration out of limit Check scale setting (See range
change in Utility Menu)
7 Factory settings in force as a result
of the “Factory Reset Procedure”
8 PH calibration not correct, or not
Re-calibrate (See Sec. 5.2 & 5.3)
NOTE: Code 4 could be serious failures so the alarm relay will activate, in addition to the status
LED changing to red, if programmed by the position of DIP switch No. 5 of Bank S1. See
Section 4.7.