User Manual

Send There are two kinds of sends used by Metric Halo:
Analog: In the ULN-2 and ULN-8, the send is the physical output of
the insert.
Digital: In MIO Console, a send is used to route an channel to busses
other than the main bus. Sends are accessed via the inserts.
SNR Signal to Noise Ratio; a measurement used to indicate how much a signal is
corrupted by noise. The higher this number is in dB, the less noise will be
added to your signal by the equipment. For example, a 120 dB SNR means
that the gear’s self noise is 120 dB below the audio.
SPDIF Sony/Philips Digital InterFace, a standard for digitally connecting two de-
vices together. SPDIF sends and receives two channels of audio, using a 75
Ω cable terminated with RCA connectors.
Stem Also called a group or subgroup. A stem is a part of a mix that contains similar
inputs. For example, a drum stem contains only the drums tracks in a song;
this allows for easy mixing and processing of the drums. MIO Console allows
you to create stems, as well as mix the stems together for an overall final mix.
Subgroup See Stem
Sum To add or combine signals. For example, a summing bus combines the sig-
nals from several inputs into a single mix.
TOSLINK An optical interface and cable designed by Toshiba to carry digital audio
between devices. TOSLINK uses a plastic fiber to carry the digital informa-
tion, and is either terminated in a semi-square plug (used on the 2882 and
ULN-2) or a round “Mini-TOSLINK” found on some laptops.
TRS Tip Ring Sleeve. A type of connector found on musical instruments, head-
phones, patchbays, and other audio electronics. TRS connectors are com-
monly 1/8” or 1/4” in diameter. Wiring schemes for TRS connectors are:
Mono balanced: “Hot” or “Plus” on Tip, “Cold” or “Minus” on Ring
and Ground on Sleeve
Stereo unbalanced (headphones, etc.): Left on Tip, Right on Ring,
Ground on Sleeve
Inputs and outputs are both on female (jacks) and interconnect cables are
male to male (plugs). Extensions are male to female.
Unbalanced connection A method of connecting audio equipment. A balanced connector usually
has two pins per channel, signal and ground. Unbalanced connections are
susceptible to noise from external sources.
An unbalanced connection can also occur when a balanced connection los-
es one leg due to a faulty connector or cable; the connection is now suscep-
tible to noise and will drop in level.