User Manual

2882 Users Guide
much power. Most desktop Macs provide more than enough power for 2882 and one other low power device.
Most laptops provide enough power for 2882, but not enough for 2882 and another bus-powered device at
the same time. If you are using a Powerbook computer, you should not expect to be able to power both the
2882 and a hard drive from the computer. The power capabilities of individual computers vary, so you will
have to test the complete system to determine exactly how much your computer can handle.
If you find that the computer is not capable of powering 2882 or does not provide enough run time, you may
want to explore using an external power source with the 2882. Check with Metric Halo for details on different
battery power solutions for 2882.
As with all electronic devices, when connecting an external power source to the 2882, you should first connect
the power source to 2882 while it is in an unenergized state (e.g. not connected to the mains or switched off).
After the connection to 2882 has been made, you should energize the power source.
If you connect an energized power source to the 2882’s 2.1mm power connector you may see a small spark
when you make the connection. This is due to surge current and is normal if you connect a power source in
this way. While this will not damage the 2882 in any way, to avoid the spark just connect the power connector
to 2882 before connecting the power source to the wall.
2882 Specifications
Table5.1.Mic/Line Inputs
Mic/Line Inputs
Line +4 Gain Range -2 dB – +40.5 dB
Line -10 Gain Range -13.8 dB – +28.7 dB
Inst Gain Range 0 dB – +42.5 dB
Mic Gain Range 0 dB – +42.5 dB
Mic Pad Gain Range -20 dB – +22.5 dB
Line Input Impedance 10k Ω
Instrument Input Impedance 200k Ω
Mic Input Impedance 200k Ω (12k Ω with phantom)
Mic Pad Input Impedance 10k Ω (6k Ω with phantom)
Table5.2.2882 Maximums
Max Gain 42.5 dB
Preamp Headroom 20 dB above Digital Clip
Phantom Power +48v Regulated, high current, individually switch-
able, P48 test compliant, short circuit/ hot-swap pro-
Output +26 dBu
Table5.3.2882 Converter Latency
A/D 39 samples
D/A 28 samples