User Manual

MIO Console Overview
The following parameters are linked by selection, but the link is only applied if the <control> key is held
down when changing the parameter:
Input Gain/Trim
Pan position
Channel Fader Gain
The v.5 Mixer provides an insert model for using +DSP plug-ins. The 2d Hardware includes a basic set of plug-
ins that provide “nuts & bolts” production processing:
MIOStrip — a complete channel strip plug-in which includes:
Gate w/ sidechain filter
Compressor w/ sidechain filter
6-band EQ
MIODelay — a short time track alignment delay
M/S Decoder
Metric Halo’s exclusive Character signal processing per channel
Multichannel mixer with surround support
Bus send plug-in for routing signals within channel strips to busses
When the +DSP license is added to 2d, the options grow dramatically. All +DSP plug-ins can be inserted
directly into the insert slots in the channel strips, or you can insert a +DSP graph into any of the insert slots,
and then insert and connect a graph populated with +DSP plug-ins within the inserted graph.
The plug-ins that may be inserted in any given slot depend on the number of channels of a given input channel
strip. All mono plug-ins may always be inserted in any slot; if you insert a mono plug-in into a strip that has a
multichannel input (for example a bus master strip or bus return strip, or a multichannel input strip), the mixer
will automatically instantiate multiple copies of the plug-in (for example two plug-ins into a stereo strip
and 5 plug-ins into a 5.0 strip), and link the parameters of the instances so that when you control the inserted
plug-in, it will control all instances.
If you are working with a multi-channel strip, only plug-ins that make sense for the number of channels of the
strip will also be available; for example, with a stereo strip, you will see both the mono and stereo versions
of the MIOComp and MIOLimit dynamics processors; you can select the version that works best for you. At
the present time, there are few processors that have specifically been built for multi-channel strips with more
than two channels. If you expect to use (or change to) a bus with multiple channels beyond stereo, you will
probably want to use the mono version of the plug-in as they can be automatically instantiated as you adjust
the number of channels of the strip.
More info on using plug-ins via inserts can be found on the DSP Implementation Guide.
Plug-In Graphs (requires +DSP license)
When you insert a graph in the mixer, the graph is automatically generated with input and output ports to
match the number of channels of the strip that it is inserted into. The default state of an inserted graph is for
the inputs to be connected directly to the outputs.
When you open the graph UI for the insert, you can insert any set of plug-ins into the graph that is shown in
the graph UI window. These plug-ins can be connected by virtual cables, their UIs opened, and parameters
set. The graph I/O connections will automatically be routed to the appropriate points in the strip that hosts the
graph. The graph will be saved and recalled with the rest of the mixer. You can also choose to save the graph
independently as kind of a “preset” that can be inserted again and again into the mixer.