User Manual

Once MIO Console is in Conduit mode, its continues to function as a stand-alone application. This means that
you can command-tab between your host and MIO Console; you can use Exposé to reveal windows, etc.
The ConsoleConnect Plug-in that you insert into the host has bidirectional communication with MIO Console.
This is true in both Plug-in mode and Conduit mode. When the host asks the plug-in for its state (to save in
the session or to save a preset), the plug-in gets all the data from MIOConsole. When the host sets the state
on the plug-in (preset recall or opening up a session), the plug-in forwards the data to the Console which then
acts on it.
The entire configuration of MIO Console (for all the boxes attached to the machine) is saved in your session
for you, and automatically recalled when you open the session back up. So now, your MIO is PART of your
DAW session; any routing, level, mix, +DSP setups that you make are saved as in your DAW’s session file and
are instantly returned to the way that you had them set when you reopen your session.
ConsoleConnect also supports saving and recalling presets using the host’s preset mechanism, you can also
create multiple setups (routing, +DSP, etc.) and save them as presets for the MIOConsoleConnect plug-in. In
the case of AU, the presets will also be shared between hosts. Switching your setup is as simple as recalling
a preset for the MIOConsoleConnect plug-in. In fact, the MIO Console UI doesn’t even need to be visible to
recall presets -- even if MIO Console is hidden, selecting the preset will recall it and assert it onto the Hardware.
Figure 18.3: ConsoleConnect Presets
The data saved for the plug-in includes the entire console state (including offline boxes). This means that if
you have multiple MIO Systems that you move between, you can have a different setup for each different box
saved in your session and the proper settings will be applied when you launch the session automatically
sending the settings to the proper box.
Finding the Plug-in
Some hosts put the MIOConsoleConnect plug-in in a funny place. The list below points you in the right direc-
tuon for some of the most common hosts.
Logic: you will find MIOConsoleConnect under: AU Plug-in > Metric Halo > MIOConsoleConnect
Digital Performer: it will either be (depending on whether or not you have other Metric Halo AUs in-
Metric Halo: MIOConsoleConnect
Metric Halo > MIOConsoleConnect
Cubase: you will find MIOConsoleConnect under: Legacy VSTs
Pro Tools: you will find MIOConsoleConnect under: Wrapped Plug-ins > MIOConsoleConnect