User Manual

Delay(ms) [0, 23.1973] ms
Specifies the delay throught the process block in milliseconds.
Master Bypass {On, Off}
When engaged sets the delay through the block to 0.
MIO Delay (2k-15k IM)
Synopsis: Internal Memory Delays
Category: Delay, Building Blocks
Channels: 1
Provides an integer sample delay from the input to the output. Changes in the delay time are interpo-
lated, allowing you to change the delay time with no glitches. For large changes in the delay time, the
interpolation has the effect of shifting the pitch of the delayed signal as the delay time is changing.
This version of the delay utilizes the Internal Memory block for the delay buffer. If you get a message
that MIO Console can't instantiate the plug-in, try using the non-IM version.
Delay(samp) [0, See table] samps
Specifies the delay throught the process block in samples.
Delay(ms) [0, See table] ms
Specifies the delay throught the process block in milliseconds.
Master Bypass {On, Off}
When engaged sets the delay through the block to 0.
Table20.8.Internal memory delay times
Plug-in version Delay (samples) Delay (ms)
2k 2048 46.4172
3k 3072 69.6372
4k 4096 92.8571
5k 5120 116.077
6k 6144 46.4172
7k 7165 162.517
8k 8192 185.737
9k 9216 208.957
10k 10240 232.177
15k 15360 348.277
MIO Delay (2k-15k)
Synopsis: External Memory Delay
Category: Delay, Building Blocks
Channels: 1