User Manual

Pro Tools (Mac/Win)
Figure 6.3: Automation Window, Showing Character's Parameters
This dialog box allows you to enable any or all of the processing parameters for automation. When a parameter
is enabled for automation you will be able to record and play-back automated parameter changes directly
from your Pro Tools session. If the channel that the plug-in is inserted on has automation enabled Character
will highlight the controls associated with the automated parameters:
Off: No color
Read: Green
Touch, Latch, Write: Red
Controlled via control surface: Blue
Key Commands
The following key commands are used to when clicking on controls:
Table6.1.Pro Tools Key Commands
Command Mac Key Sequence Windows Key Sequence
Display Automation Dialog
⌥⌘ (Option + Command)–click Alt + Control–click
Show Automation Breakpoint
⌃⌘ (Control + Command)–click Control + Windows–click
Set Parameter to Default Value
(Option)–click or double–click Alt-click or double-click