User's Guide

Connect a micro-USB to A cable to a PC and use the new virtual serial port (COM or tty) registered in your
system with the terminal program. You should see in your terminal program the RTU name followed by a
login prompt: enter the RTU password (as set on the M2M Gateway, see also "Register an RTU" section)
then the “:” prompt should appear.
3.3. MPI as Service Port
An alternative to the USB Service port is the MPI Connector. A Command Line Interface (CLI) is available
on this port too, but it requires a special adapter: M12 to DB9 RS-232 connector. The serial port
configuration is as follows:
The signalling is RS-232, 8N1, no hardware, nor software protocol.
The Baud rate is defined by the mpiBaudRate attribute.
Only the pins 3 (to the TxD of the host), 4 (to the RxD of the host) and 1 (GND) are used.
The attribute mpiMode must be set to RS-232, otherwise the CLI won’t be enabled on the MPI.
After connecting the unit to the PC, in a terminal windows press any key several times until the unit wakes
up; then you should see the password request prompt.
Note: After about 40 seconds, the RTU reverts back to sleep mode and the CLI will be terminated.
3.4. Telnet
The M717 RTU has also a built-in telnet server. However, to access the CLI over telnet, there are several
The telnet server is by default not active, therefore it must be activated through the cliOverIP
attribute. This is done through the M2M Gateway Interface. After the next successful session, the
telnet server will remain active for 5 minutes (default value).
The telnet server will not be activated if the RTU can’t connect to the Internet.
Currently only units using the Global SIM cards provided by Telekom Austria can be reached via
For security reasons, all the units using the Telekom Austria SIM cards are part of a private network
that can’t be accessed directly from the Internet. To reach these units you need a special cellular
router using also a SIM card from Telekom Austria (please contact Metrilog in case you need one).
The modem must be properly configured, integrated in your network, or at least connected over IP
to your computer.
To reach the unit over telnet, after the session has been concluded, use a telnet client to connect to the IP
address indicated by the attribute assignedIP, as shown by the M2M Gateway.