User's Guide

: date -c -30 -> the clock will run slower with -30 ppm of a second
: date -tz
: date -r
RTC's reference frequency 1.000058 Hz
4.1.6. log
Shows log entries and log statistics.
log [ dd/mm/yy [ hh:mm:ss ]] to show the log entries
log stat to show the log system information
log clear [ -y ] to clear the log
The date/time parameter must be specified only once, the system will display the
next 20 lines after the date given (if no, or less than 20 entries are available, there
will be no, or only the available entries displayed). To continue with the next log
entries, enter only the log command, without parameters, until all entries are
The -y option is used to override the confirmation question, the log will be
immediately cleared.
: log 02/08/2020
02/08/2020 09:59:09 [ 4] cli_over_ip_manager(): console started on /dev/ptty0
02/08/2020 10:00:10 [ 4] cli_over_ip_manager(): console on /dev/ptty0 terminated by the user
02/08/2020 10:12:26 [ 1] reset_handler(): system halted
02/08/2020 10:12:29 [ 1] reset_handler(): bootloader started after software reset
02/08/2020 10:12:29 [ 64] init_block_devices(): file system successfully mounted
02/08/2020 10:12:29 [ 2048] update(): update pack found at /flash/firmware/m717_1_04.pack
02/08/2020 10:12:31 [ 2048] update(): M717-app update succeeded
02/08/2020 10:12:32 [ 1] reset_handler(): system halted
02/08/2020 10:12:34 [ 1] reset_handler(): system started after software reset
02/08/2020 10:12:34 [ 1] init_block_devices(): database opened in 94.39 ms
02/08/2020 10:12:34 [ 64] init_block_devices(): file system successfully mounted
02/08/2020 10:12:34 [ 1024] init_config(): invalid configuration, attempting flash restore
02/08/2020 10:12:34 [ 64] rpc_config_struct_load(): configuration loaded
02/08/2020 10:12:34 [ 1024] init_config(): flash restore succeeded, configuration OK
02/08/2020 10:22:29 [ 1] reset_handler(): system halted
02/08/2020 10:22:32 [ 1] reset_handler(): bootloader started after software reset
02/08/2020 10:22:32 [ 64] init_block_devices(): file system successfully mounted
02/08/2020 10:22:32 [ 2048] update(): update pack found at /flash/firmware/m717_1_04.pack
02/08/2020 10:22:35 [ 2048] update(): M717-app update succeeded
02/08/2020 10:22:35 [ 1] reset_handler(): system halted
: log
02/08/2020 10:22:37 [ 1] reset_handler(): system started after software reset
02/08/2020 10:22:37 [ 1] init_block_devices(): database opened in 94.40 ms
02/08/2020 10:22:37 [ 64] init_block_devices(): file system successfully mounted
02/08/2020 10:22:37 [ 1024] init_config(): configuration OK
: log stat
The write pointer is at block 8
Oldest: Wed Jul 22 23:25:55 2020
Newest: Tue Aug 4 10:49:05 2020
: log clear
All log entries will be erased. Proceed? (y/n) n
Logs not erased