User's Manual

RMS Industrial CTM - Operation Manual - Independent Technologies, Inc.
72-70-209, Rev. A Page 20 01/18/2017
System Configuration Parameters
RMS Industrial LTE Cellular Tank Monitor (CTM) system configuration
parameters can be modified using the WESROC
RMS Portable Diagnostic Unit (PDU).
These configuration parameters can also be modified by the WESROC
RMS Host
System (Host) during a report.
Parameter List
Base ID: Used to identify a particular CTM device in the Host database.
Min: 000000000001; Max: 999999999999
Default: 99xxxxxxxxxx; Disable: N/A
Primary IP Address: The IP address used to report to the primary Host.
Min:; Max:
Disable: (Do not report.)
Primary IP Port: The IP port number used to report to the primary Host.
Min: 1; Max: 65535
Disable: 0 (Do not report.)
Secondary IP Address: The IP address used to report to the backup Host.
Min:; Max:
Disable: (Do not report.)
Secondary IP Port: The IP port number used to report to the backup Host.
Min: 1; Max: 65535
Disable: 0 (Do not report.)
Host Response Timeout: The maximum number of seconds that the CTM will wait for a
response from the Host before sending a data packet retry.
Min: 5; Max: 60
Default: 30; Disable: N/A
Maximum Packet Retries: The maximum number of times that the CTM will retry sending a
data packet to the Host before terminating a report.
Min: 1; Max: 8
Default: 2; Disable: N/A
Report Interval: The number of minutes until the next scheduled report to the Host.
Min: 60 (One Hour); Max: 65535 (45.5 Days)
Default: 1440 (24 Hours); Disable: N/A
Low Battery Threshold (mV): The low battery threshold for the CTM system battery.
Min: 2500; Max: 3600
Default: 2808 (78%); Disable: N/A