User's Manual

RMS Industrial CTM - Operation Manual - Independent Technologies, Inc.
72-70-209, Rev. A Page 9 01/18/2017
6] Connect the sensor at the end of the sensor cable to the remote ready dial. This is
accomplished by sliding the sensor into the sensor slot on the top of the dial. Slide the
sensor from the side towards the center of the dial until it is fully seated. You will hear or
feel a small “snap” once it is fully seated. To remove the sensor from the dial, gently lift up
on the end of the sensor before attempting to slide it out of the dial.
Large dial installations use an in-line connector to attach the CTM to the dial. When
attaching an in-line connector, make sure the connector is fully seated and that the locking
ring has been fully turned to ensure a weather tight seal.
7] (Optional.) If you are going to be using a WESROC
RMS Base Unit (Base Unit) as a
local display device, now is the time to initialize the CMT to the Base Unit. See section
“Operation” of this document for details. The “Local Display” system configuration
parameter on the CTM must be enabled for this feature to work.
8] This step assumes that the installation site information has already been entered into
the Host and that this particular installation does not require any unusual configuration of
the CTM. Remove the programming magnet from the OFF position on the CTM enclosure
and step away from the CTM. (Do not degrade the CTM cellular signal quality by leaning
over it while it is attempting to report.)
At this time, the CTM will attempt a configuration report to the Host. The report is typically
completed in under a minute, but can take up to 4 minutes to complete under adverse
cellular signal conditions.
The CTM does not provide any direct feedback regarding report success or failure;
therefore it is highly recommended to make use of a handheld WESROC
RMS Portable
Diagnostic Unit (PDU) when performing CTM installations. The PDU will provide the
installer with a wealth of information regarding report status, tank level status, CTM system
status, and cellular network performance. See section “Portable Diagnostic Unit” of this
document, or the WESROC
RMS Portable Diagnostic Unit Operation Manual for more
information on operating the PDU.
Another option for checking report status is to have the Host send a text alert message to
the installer’s cell phone once a successful report has completed. This of course requires
that the host administrator enter the installer’s texting address into the Host before
installation time. Once installation is completed, the installer will want to have their texting
address taken off of the alert list for this site to prevent the Host from sending the installer
future tank activity alerts.
9] Once a successful report has completed, secure the sensor cable using appropriate
fasteners (cable ties, etc.). Route the sensor cable to make sure the cable will not be
damaged by a moving object such as a tank dome or hood. Before leaving the installation
site, make sure any programming magnets are removed from the CTM enclosure. Normal
operating mode is with NO programming magnets installed.