User's Manual

ing) will light faintly. As soon as the motor begins to turn then the
light intensity increases and illuminates the opening of the vial
into which you want to dose.
Releasing coupling
To release coupling, press the small unlock button once.
Releasing dosing head
To release dosing head, press the small unlock button dur
ing removing the dosing head.
3.3Status lights
The status lights are three orange LEDs. They can only be seen
when lit which indicate the following criteria:
LED-Name Blinking (Warning) Permanent (No more
doses possible)
approx. 10% life time
Will be reached within
next 5days
Expired zero
5 doses remaining Zero doses remaining
Blinking LED when the motor is blocked
If you press the dosing button but the motor does not start and
the dosing light does not shine, then the corresponding LED will
blink rapidly, because one of the above listed criteria is invalid.
When you release the dosing button the LED will be permanently
Expiry Date
For each dosing head you can set the Expiry Date of the powder.
To set this you need a Quantos system with RFID reading/writing
unit. If no expiry date is set then the corresponding LED will
remain inactive. If you have set an expiry date and the dosing
head date has expired then you will not be able to perform further
Dosing Limit
The Dosing Limit is like a dosing counter. Each dosing head has
a limited number of doses the so called dosing limit. The dosing
limit can be set by the user within pre-set boundaries. The factory
setting dosing heads is 250 doses (from a range from 1 to 999
doses). For the sample dosing head the factory setting is 36 dos
es (from a range of 1 to 99 doses). To change the factory set
tings you need a Quantos system with RFID reading/writing unit.