Operating instructions

Array adapters can also be used to position UPJ-1XPs and
UPJunior-XPs as floor monitors with adjustable angles.
When positioning the loudspeakers as floor monitors, the
array adapter plates attach to the loudspeakers with the
included M8 knobs.
CAUTION: The M8 knobs included with array
adapters should only be used to secure the
plates to the loudspeakers when positioning them as
floor monitors. The M8 knobs should not be used for
flown applications.
Horizontal Arrays
Horizontal arrays with the array adapter can be flown by
attaching eyebolts to the loudspeaker end plates or directly
to the array adapter plates. Shackles can also be attached
to the adapter plate’s rear pickup holes for additional sup-
port or to provide control over the array’s vertical tilt.
TIP: To create optimum coverage in horizontal
arrays, the splay angles between loudspeakers
should be 50 degrees when the VariO horns are in the
80-degree horizontal by 50-degree vertical position
(this yields a horizontal coverage of 130 degrees).
Angles less than 50 degrees between loudspeakers
can cause too much interaction between the loud-
speakers, while angles greater than 50 degrees can
yield holes in the coverage.
Vertical Arrays
Vertical arrays with the array adapter can be flown by
attaching eyebolts to the loudspeaker end plates or directly
to the array adapter plates. Shackles can also be attached
to the adapter plate’s rear pickup holes for additional sup-
port or to provide control over the vertical tilt.
Vertical arrays of up to three loudspeakers with the array
adapter can be ceiling mounted by attaching a U-bracket to
the top loudspeaker.
NOTE: When flying an array of Ultra XPs from
the MUB-UPJ U-bracket, the bracket should
be fastened to the holes toward the rear of the loud-
speaker plates, to compensate for the shift in center
of gravity. In addition, shackles can be attached to
MAAM-UPJ with UPJ-1XP Horizontal Array and Eyebolts
MAAM-UPJ, Vertical Array with Eyebolts
MAAM-UPJ, Vertical Array Ceiling-Mounted