
DIRECTOR EC Series Operator’s Guide
Document Revision: 080904
Page 57
Click the up and down indicators to increase or decrease the duration of
the silence (minutes, seconds, frames).
Click the OK button.
To remove silence between tracks:
Click the silence indicator you wish to remove in the lower left pane
and hold down the mouse button.
Drag the silence indicator over the trashcan in the bottom right of the
WaveMan tab and release the mouse button.
Click the Yes button.
Inserting, Editing And Removing Sub-indexes
Sub-indexes are markers used by CD audio players to locate specific points
inside an audio track. Sub-index 0 indicates the start of any silence before
the beginning of a track and sub-index 1 indicates the beginning of a track’s
audio material. Other sub-indexes can also be assigned to allow some audio
players to locate specified material within a track itself.
To insert sub-indexes in a track:
Click the audio track you wish to edit in the lower left pane and its
existing sub-indexes will be displayed in the bottom right pane.
Click the Insert Sub-index button. The screen will now display:
Click the up and down indicators to specify the location of the sub-
index (minutes, seconds, frames).
Click the OK button.
To edit sub-indexes: