User's Manual

Micro Device s.r.l Via Bellini, 31/33 20095 Cusano Milanino (MI) Italy
Tel. +39 02 6131001 r.a. Fax. +39 02 66400086 E-mail
Yacht Controller
3. How to use Yacht Controller
Yacht Controller is a radio control system that allows you to operate certain functions the boat
in in a simple and safe way for easier docking, anchoring and mooring..
By pressing the relative switches of the transmitter, it is possible to action, from any point of the
boat, either engine, a bow or stern thrusters, anchor or other device depending on the model of
the contoller..
The small size of the transmitter allow you to keep the transmitter handy, in you hand, on your
wrist or around your neck etc..
As an example, the following describes how one may use the Yacht Controller during the
operations of mooring, anchorage and hooking to buoys. These suggestions are of course
modified in the actual use by each user depending on their experience and the situation at
3.1. Stern docking “Med” Style
3.1.1 Untieing
After properly activating the Yacht Controller as previously described,and with the control
levers strictly in neutral position, begin unmooring from the dock by going to the stern to
release the lines which are holding the boat held to the dock.
Next go to the bow and raise the anchor taking advantage of the perfect visibility obtained by
using Yacht Controller correcting the movement of the boat with the help of the engines (or the
bow and stern thruster if installed), if necessary due to the wind or the wave-motion.
At this point it is possible to bring in the fenders; before going out of the harbour, go back to the
normal driving position, take the manual control again and turn the receiver of the Yacht
Controller OFF, following the deactivation procedure previously described.
3.1.2 Tieing Stern to the dock
Once inside the harbour, put the levers control in the neutral position and properly activate
the Yacht Controller as previously described.
After positioning the fenders and arriving in proximity of the assigned boat place, go to stern
and begin the entrance manoeuvre in full visibility. During the manoeuvre, thanks to Yacht
Controller, you will always have the chance to instantaneously correct possible shiftings of the
boat due to the wind or to the wave-motion. Go to the bow to drop the anchor, taking care to
advnce the boat with a short command of engines forward to avoid hitting the stern against the
dock. At this point, it is possible tomove to the stern and provide a short command to reverse
the engines in order to tie the stern to the dock helped by people on the dock or from a member
of the crew.
To put in tension on the stern lines without an electric winch, you can use Yacht
Controller by providing some short orders of engines ahead or engine back according
to the situation. You then will be able to fix the lines to the dock with very little effort,
before the boat puts strain on the lines.
When you are finished tieing the boat, deactivate Yacht Controller following the deactivation
procedure described previously.