User's Manual

Micro Device s.r.l Via Bellini, 31/33 20095 Cusano Milanino (MI) Italy
Tel. +39 02 6131001 r.a. Fax. +39 02 66400086 E-mail
Yacht Controller
3.2. Anchoring and hooking to mooring buoys
3.2.1 Dropping the anchor
Once you have selected the optimal position for the anchorage, put the control levers in
neutral position, and properly activate the Yacht Controller as previously described. Go to bow
and, after checking the depth of sea and the possible presence of other anchors or chains,
control the descent of the anchor. After lowering the anchor to the proper depth and providing
the necessary scope of line or chain, use the yacht controller to reverse the engines to check
the hold on the bottom and the direction of the anchor chain. Onece the manuver is completed
deactivate the Yacht Controller following the deactivation procedure described previously.
3.2.2 Weighing anchor
When weighing anchor, put the levers control in neutral position, and properly activate the
Yacht Controller as previously described. Go to bow to check that the line or chain freely rises
and, with short commands of engines ahead or propeller right/left, avoid excessive tension on
the anchor winch. Once the anchor is raised, deactivate the Yacht Controller following the
deactivation procedure described previously.
3.2.3 Hooking to a mooring buoy
Before starting the manoeuvre, put the levers control in neutral position and properly
activate the Yacht Controller as previously described.
Contrary to the usual procedure which generally requires a person's presence at the bow with a
boat hook to catch the mooring buoy; using Yacht Controller, you will be able to pick up th buoy
at the stern.
From this position it will be easy to tie to the buoy and walk the line to the bow to secure it to the
fowrd cleat.
Once you have completed the manoeuvre, deactivate Yacht Controller following the
deactivation procedure described previously.
3.2.4 Unhooking from a mooring buoy
Before starting the manoeuvre, put the levers control in neutral position and properly
activate the Yacht Controller as previously described.
Go to bow and release the line from the cleat and slip it OFF from the buoy. In the presence of
wind it will be possible to counteract the drifting, with short commands to the engines,thereby
avoiding collisions with other boats.
Once you have completed the manoeuvre, deactivate Yacht Controller following the
deactivation procedure described previously.
3.3. Other situations
In addition to what has been already described, the Yacht Controller will be useful in many other
During tieing up to a dock for fuel or supplies, especially in confined places you will be able
to easily contol the boat from greater visibility points without risking collisions and screaming
at your mates.