User's Manual

802.11a Bridge AP5822 MTI Proprietary Page 24
Basic Configuration Window
3-6 Configuration Windows
The Web Server Configuration windows allow viewing and editing of
configuration information for the Bridge. The Web Server provides
configuration windows for:
n System configuration parameters
n Radio configuration parameters
n Statistics
n Firmware updates
To access any of these Bridge configuration screens, click on the desired
hotlink from the navigation bar on any configuration screen (see Figure)
3-7 Working with Configuration Windows
The Web Server Configuration windows provide a user-friendly interface to aid in quick
configuration of the Bridge. After making any additions or changes to any configuration
window, update the configuration file to save the changes. The new configuration is not in
effect until the Bridge is rebooted.
Follow these steps to update configuration files:
n Enter the configuration updates or changes in the appropriate configuration fields.
n Click Update.
n Click Reboot Bridge to make the changes effective.
Reminder: Click the buttons for changes to take effect.
The web server loses connectivity with the Web Server as the Bridge reboots.
To reestablish the connection with the Web Server, wait until the Bridge has completed
rebooting and navigate to the Web Server to resume communication.