Operation Manual

Evaluating blood pressure data
The table on right classies blood pressure data for adults
in accordance to the guidelines of the European Society of
Hypertension (ESH) in 2007. Data in mmHg.
The higher value is the one that determines the
evaluation. Example: a readout value between 150/85
or 120/98 mmHg indicates «Grade 1 Hypertension».
Category Systolic Diastolic
Optimal < 120 < 80
Normal 120 - 129 80 - 84
High normal 130 - 139 85 - 89
Grade 1 Hypertension 140 - 159 90 - 99
Grade 2 Hypertension 160 - 179 100 - 109
Grade 3 Hypertension 180 110
lsolated Systolic
140 < 90
Important facts about AFIB and Blood Pressure