Instruction manual

The headphone socket is located on the front panel of the unit. The
headphone volume setting is independent of the Main volume.
- Press the HEADPHONE key.
The display will indicate:
- Headphone volume can be adjusted via the central rotary control.
-Press the HEADPHONE key to return to loudspeaker operation.
The headphone logo disappears and the unit returns to its previous setup
including volume level.
This function allows full record monitoring when combined with a three
head recording device. It also allows insertion of another unti in the
listening loop (equalizer...)
- Press the MON/PRO key.
- The amplifier is now in monitor mode and the source is TAPE
- Press once again the MON/PRO key to return to normal operation.
The PRO ON mode allows to bypass the preamplifier section to input
directly your power amplifier in combination with an external multi-
channel Audio processor like AP-180. A specific input (PRO IN) is
dedicated to this mode. A long pressure (2 seconds) on the MON/PRO
key and the display will indicate:
It is necessary to confirm your choice by a second depression on the
MON/PRO key. .The question mark disappears.
Press once again the MON/PRO key to return to normal operation.
If you go to standby mode (Pressure on the STANDBY key) or if a power
failure happens while your unit was set in PRO ON mode, the unit will
revert automatically into PRO ON mode when going out of standby or
when power comes back again.
- Press this key when you want to put the amplifier into MUTE mode. The
display will indicate:
- Press again MUTE to resume listening
- Press the MUTE key for a period of 2 seconds.
The display will indicate:
- Set the desired balance using the central rotary control.
- If you turn clockwise, the display will show R1, R2…R6 indicating that
the right speaker level will be increased by 1, 2…6 dB.
- If you turn counter clockwise, the display will show L1, L2…L6 indicating
that the left speaker level will be increased by 1, 2…6 dB.
- Press again on the MUTE key to exit balance setup.
If you had offset the balance, the display will indicate it by inserting a
balance logo :
2.1 MODE
Your preamplifier is equipped with a SUB-OUT output. You can connect an active
subwoofer to this output. The level of this output is set by the main volume control
of the unit.
If you have an audio-video processor like AP-180, a SUB-IN input is available just
above the SUB-OUT connector.
Connect the SUB-OUT of your audio-video processor to the SUB-IN of your
preamplifier. When in Stereo mode your preamplifier will control the level of your
active subwoofer while when in PRO-ON mode the audio-video processor will take
control over your active subwoofer.
This unique feature allows a complete different subwoofer set-up between stereo
mode and home cinema mode.
The four analog inputs AN1, AN2, AN3, et AN4 can be renamed using the internal
name library of the microcontroller of your preamplifier.
The following names are available: OFF, CD, FM, DVD, TV, SAT, VCR, AUX, AV1,
AV2, MP3, SPE, PVR and GAME.
To replace the name of a source, place your preamplifier on this source and make
a long pressure on the second key INPUT SELECT >. The display shows then:
Using the central rotary knob the name between the brackets will scroll through the
list of available names until you find the one you are looking for.
If you wish to change another input name press again on the INPUT SELECT >
key and proceed in the same way. Once your choice is done wait 5 seconds and
your amplifier will revert to normal operation. During the change of name, listening
continues normally without any interruption.
While you are setting the names on the four analog inputs, the name [OFF]
appears in the list of available names. If you choose to name one or more inputs
with this name, the selected inputs will be removed from the listening loop.
Example: You have three sources, a vinyl turntable connected to PHONO input,
a CD player that you have connected to AN2 named CD and a FM tuner
connected to AN4 named FM.
If you scroll through the inputs, your preamplifier will indicate: PHO, AN1, CD,
AN3, FM, iPod.
If you wish that AN1 and AN3 do not appear when selecting the different inputs,
you should assign them with the name [OFF]. Your amplifier will then indicate:
PHO, CD, FM, iPod.
In the list of available names, two names CD and FM are different than the other
If an analog input has been named CD, a short pressure on the CD key of the
Micromega system remote control handset will set your Micromega CD player out
of standby if it was, set also your preamplifier out of standby if it was and set your
preamplifier automatically on the CD input.
It is exactly the same with any input named FM and the FM key of the Micromega
system remote control handset.
Your preamplifier is equipped with a DB9 female connector located at the left end
side of the rear panel. This connector is used to attach it a Micromega iDok.
This optional unit allows you to charge your iPod or your iPhone and to control
them using the Micromega system remote control handset.
On another end, as soon as your preamplifier will have detected the presence of
an iPod or an iPhone, it will automatically select the iDok analog input and the front
panel iPod input will be disconnected.
Your preamplifier is equipped with a DB9 female connector to control it
via RS232 interface.
It accepts the following format:
Baud Rate : 19200 Bauds
Data bits : 8
Parity bit : None
Stop bits : 1
Flow control : None
You will find complete instructions concerning this interface in the
separate RS232 manual.