User manual

Chapter 1 Getting Started
1-32 HawkEye™ 45T User Manual Rev 2.0.0, Jan 2009
TABLE 1–10. Possible HE45T Configurations (USB)
Mode Description
USB One Way This is the standard way of transferring unformatted, unpacketized
data through a USB port.
USB Two Way This mode is used when there is a need for packetized, bidirectional
communication between the HE45T and an application through a
USB port.
This mode emulates the transfer of data from the HE45T to a host
computer via a keyboard interface.
USB Virtual COM Port 1 This mode allows communication between a USB port and an
application expecting serial input. A virtual com driver must be loaded
onto the host computer before reader can be utilized in this mode.
USB Secure This mode is used for transferring data in an encrypted format from
the HE45T to a host computer through a USB port.
USB Downloader This mode is used when downloading firmware changes to the