
19'' 6U Chassis page 53/71
Open a Command Line Interface window from your operating system and go
to the directory where you want to store the backup file.
Enter the line (Windows XP):
T:\home\> tftp -i GET /tftpboot/bkpConfxx destfile.txt
T:\home – is the location where you want to store the file on your PC
bkpConfxx - is the name of the backup file in the RAM memory (xx stands for the
slot number where the MSxxxxxxx module is plugged in)
destfile.txt – is the name of the destination file on you PC - is the IP address of the MS430502M chassis into which the
package is to be loaded.
Return of the prompt indicates completion of upload. At this moment, the
configuration file has been transferred on your PC. It is now possible to upload
this file in various MS430502M chassis to configure several MSxxxxxxx modules
identical to the source one.
End procedure
Downloading a configuration
A user may download a configuration file to the MGNT management board and apply
this configuration to a MSxxxxxxx module. To achieve this, you will need:
An SNMP V2C browser (for reading and updating values in the MIB)
A TFTP client
The configuration downloading procedure is carried out in three phases:
1. Remote loading of the configuration file via TFTP into the MS430502M chassis
2. Transferring the backup file to FLASH memory
3. Activation of the configuration in the MSxxxxxxx module.
Described in more detail as follows:
1. Remote loading
The object of this phase is to load the configuration file into the RAM of the MGNT
management board. For this example, the configuration file will be called “config” on
the PC.
Verify that there is still free space in the RAM memory of the MGNT
management board using the following object:
Location: …\microsens\mgnt2\mgnt2ConfigManagement
There is space to store four configuration files in The RAM memory. If there is no
free space any more in the RAM memory, you may delete a backup file from the
RAM memory using the object
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