Troubleshooting guide

2 | Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 Getting Started Guide
Figure 1.1. The Office Communicator Contact List and Contact Card
Enhanced Presence and Presence Management
Office Communicator 2007 offers new presence states to more accurately reflect a person’s
willingness and ability to communicate. In addition, Communicator now gives you more granular
presence management, enabling you to control access to your presence information by assigning
contacts to access levels, as shown below in Figure 1.2 New presence features include:
New presence states. Office Communicator 2007 introduces new presence states to more
accurately reflect a user’s status. New presence states include:
Inactive. The contact may be available, but their computer has been idle for more than
the idle-time interval, which is five minutes by default.
Busy Inactive. (The contact is engaged in another activity such in a meeting but their
computer has been inactive for the idle-time interval, which is five minutes by default.
Transitioning presence states. Office Communicator 2007 introduces new presence states
that are determined by a user-configurable, idle-time setting that monitors user activity on
the computer. If no activity is detected on a user’s computer, the presence state transitions
from Available, to Inactive, to Away.
Improved Presence Management. Office Communicator 2007 offers greater granularity
for controlling access to your presence information. Now you can assign varying levels of
access to your contacts to control who can see your presence information, and how much
of it they can see. For example, you can assign the Team access level to your closest
coworkers to allow them to see your mobile phone number and to interrupt you when in
Do Not Disturb mode. For other co-workers in your company, you can assign the
Company access level, so that they can see your work phone number, but not your mobile
phone number, and they cannot interrupt you when in Do Not Disturb mode.