User Guide

Microsoft FrontPage 2002 is a desktop software application you can use to create, edit, and
manage web sites, whether for an intranet or for the World Wide Web.
How would you like to save time on the job? Whether you’re a seasoned webmaster or ready
to create your very first web site, who wouldn’t? Because FrontPage is a flexible, WYSIWYG
software application, you don’t have to waste valuable development time learning and applying
the technological, background complexities that go into creating a web site and its pages. (In
fact, FrontPage uses many of the same features as other Microsoft Office applications. So, for
instance, if you know how to bold text in Microsoft Word, you already know how to do it in
FrontPage.) Although FrontPage can and does do most of the “geek” stuff for you, allowing
you to concentrate on shaping your site’s content, it also provides easy access to and integra-
tion with higher-end web technologies—sure to satisfy even the most Web-savvy veteran.
FrontPage now also allows web developers to import, edit, and format their own HTML
Course Prerequisites
To ensure your success, we recommend you first take the following New Horizons course or have
equivalent knowledge:
Windows 2000 - Level 1
Word 2002 - Level 1
Word 2002 - Level 2
Internet Explorer 5.0 - Level 1
A recommendation is that students have experience surfing the World Wide Web. It is also
recommended, but not required, to have taken the following New Horizons course or have
equivalent knowledge:
HTML 4.01: Web Authoring - Level 1
Reference Material
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