User's Manual

Page 42
NewStream User Guide and Technical Manual
• If a Block Up-converter frequency is entered and the spectrum is non-inverting
Local Oscillator [LO] type is Low Side, the frequency range is 950.000 MHz to
1750.000 MHz above the Block Up-converter frequency in 1kHz steps.
• If a Block Up-converter frequency is entered and the spectrum is inverting LO type
is High Side, the frequency range is 950.000 MHz to 1750.000 MHz below the BUC
frequency in up to 1 kHz steps.
When you select the Frequency Tune mode with the Block Up-converter disabled, your
range exists in L-Band [950.00 - 1750.00 MHz] and can be modi ed in 1 kHz steps as
shown below in Figure 26.
Figure 26: NewStream SNG Touchscreen - BUC Setup Frequency Tune Mode
SNG BUC Setup - Frequency Tune Mode - IDU Touchscreen Control
When you swipe the slide control at the bottom of the SNG Information touchscreen,
the BUC Setup touchscreen appears, as shown in the gure below. To Enable the
Block Upconverter in Frequency Tune Mode, press the BUC: Enable/Disable button, as
shown in Figure 26.
When the NewStream IDU is in Frequency Tune Mode, under Local control, the
Satellite BUC Setup touchscreen allows you to set a frequency in 1 kHz increments on
the IDU touchscreen.
This touchscreen also allows you to select BUC LO Type: to the Low or High side
Local Oscillator. Pressing the BUC LO Freq.: button also displays the numeric keypad,
allowing selection of the Block Up-converter Local Oscillator frequency.
There is also the RF Adjustment rocker switch [Figure 5 item B] next to the bottom
right corner of the touchscreen that is available for power adjustment on the IDU front