User's Manual

Page 52
NewStream User Guide and Technical Manual
Microwave Status Page [Continued]
Modulation Status
The Modulation Status elds present NewStream’s microwave settings for the selected
Modulation Mode
This eld displays one of the following modulation classes for each microwave preset:
• COFDM-DVB-T — Coded Orthogonal Frequency - Division Multiplexing - Digital
Video Broadcasting — Terrestrial
• LMS-T — Link Modulation Scheme —Terrestrial
DVB - S Digital Video Broadcasting — Satellite Mode
DVB - S2 Digital Video Broadcasting —Satellite Mode
This eld displays the following modulation classes for each microwave preset in the
Microwave Settings page. Moving up the scale of modulations allows higher throughput
but at the cost of robustness:
• QPSK — Quadrature phase-shift keying
• 16-QAM — Quadrature amplitude modulation
• APSKAmplitude Phase-shift Keying [for both 16 and 32-APSK]
64 - QAM — Quadrature amplitude modulation
Forward Error Correction [FEC] or channel coding is a technique used for controlling
errors in data transmission over unreliable or noisy communication channels. This eld
displays the FEC for the existing microwave preset. Lower fractions are more robust
to noise and fading but at the cost of reduced information bandwidth. Common FEC
values include:
• 1/4
• 1/2
• 1/3
• 2/3
• 3/4
• 5/6
• 7/8
Guard Interval
The Guard Interval is a method used to prevent interference within distinct
transmissions. The Guard Interval con gured for the microwave preset is displayed in
this eld. The Guard Interval values include:
• 1/32
• 1/16
• 1/8
• 1/4