User's Manual

Page 56
NewStream User Guide and Technical Manual
Cellular Status Page [Continued]
Cellular Card Information
This status listing displays each cellular card’s RSSI. The RSSI is the relative received
signal strength in arbitrary units. RSSI is an indication of the power level being received
by the antenna. The lower the RSSI number, the stronger the signal. Refer to the CNG
Touchscreens section for more information.
When you click the
manage icon shown within the Cell Card Info box, the Cell
Modem Con guration dialog box displays providing a means of con guring each
individual modem of the those available.
Modem #
The Modem number drop-down eld allows you to select one of six modems supported
by NewStream.
The Mode drop-down provides the means to select Auto or Custom Mode.
The Access Point Name is a con gurable network identi er used by
NewStream when
connecting to a GSM carrier. The carrier examines the APN identi er to determine the
network connection type for the NewStream transmitter. The APN determines which IP
addresses are to be assigned to NewStream, which security methods to be used, and
how or if, it will be connected to a private network.
Login Name
The Login Name identi es those administrators that are responsible for the
maintenance of the NewStream cellular modems. Type your user name in this eld to
submit your revised modem co guration.
Type the Password associated with your Login Name in this eld to authenticate the
This eld provides further authentication with a Personal Identi cation Number.
Submit or Cancel
To make any changes to a Cell Modem Con guration, click the Submit button or Cancel
to retain existing settings.
Cellular Control
The Cellular Control Status presents NewStream’s cellular settings for the selected
Cellular Transmission
This button allows you to turn Cellular Transmission On or Off. when operating in
Remote Controll mode . The default state is STBY. [or Off]