User's Manual

Page 58
NewStream User Guide and Technical Manual
Cellular Status Page [Continued]
Video Resolution
The Video Input Resolution eld displays the following values:
720p50, 720p60, 720p59.94
1080i50, 1080i59.94, 1080i60
NTSC [National Television System Committee]
PAL [Phase Alternating Line]
Scaling Factor
The Scaling Factor describes the use of magni cation in devices to compensate for
differences between size of viewing areas.
Frame Rate
Frame rate, also known as frame frequency and frames per second [FPS], is the
frequency or rate at which NewStream unique consecutive images called frames.
Frame rate is often expressed in frames per second [FPS] and is also expressed in
progressive scan monitors as hertz [Hz].
Pro le
The Pro le eld presents the H.264 settings for video, which are also available for
Microwave and Satellite transmission. The Pro le eld displays one of the following
• Baseline
• Main
• High
• High 422
In MPEG encoding, a Group of Pictures [GOP] speci es the order in which intra-frames
are arranged. The GOP is a group of successive pictures within an MPEG-coded
lm and/or video stream. Each MPEG-coded lm and/or video stream consists of
successive groups of pictures. The valid range of successive groups of pictures is from
0 to 60.
Low Bitrate
This eld displays whether Low Bitrate control is Enabled or Disabled.
Frame Structure
Video frame structure is the division of de ned lengths of media, such as a sequence of
images in a video, into different eld information parts. Video frame structure commonly
de nes independent key frames, predicted adjacent frames, and bi-directional
frmaes created from the comparison of multiple frames. Key frames contain all of
the information of an image and the predicted and bi-directional frames contain the
difference elements from other frames which results in much lower data that is required
to recreate the images.