User's Manual

Page 63
NewStream User Guide and Technical Manual
Satelitte Status Page [Continued]
Audio Input 1 & 2
The Audio Input Encoding values that are displayed in this eld include:
• Test Tone
• Analog
• SDI Embedded
• AES-EBU Balanced
• AES-EBU Unbalanced
Audio Bitrate [kbps] 1 & 2
The Audio Bitrate values for Audio 1 & 2 are displayed in this eld.
Audio Encoding 1 & 2
The Audio Input Encoding types that are displayed in this eld include:
• Off
MPEG Layer I — MPEG Audio Layer I is a core audio algorithm
MPEG Layer II — MPEG Audio Layer II is a core audio algorithm.
• Linear PCM — Pulse-code modulation
Frequency Control
The Frequency Control status provides a means to select the microwave, cellular
and satellite Channel and Band and to view the frequency at which NewStream is
calibrated. These settings can be modi ed using the Frequency Plan page, as shown in
Figures 31 & 32.
Tune Mode
• Channel Tuning - Channel Tuning provides a means to con gure preset
frequencies that you can employ when in SNG operation from the front panel in
Local Control [or also in Remote Control]. These frequencies are set up within
Satellite Channels while in Remote control.
• Frequency Tuning - This method of frequency selection can gbe done while
in Local or Remote control, as described in the touchscreen SNG Operation
section above and also in the Frequency Plans Web Page section below. The
frequency tuning can be set for Block-upconverter [BUC] Disabled [L-Band] or
BUC Enabled, as described below.
The frequency Channel can be selected using this drop-down eld. Channel options
depend on the frequency band in which you are operating. There are standard
frequencies broadcasters use, or which can be created. The frequency channel displays
the list of stored channels for the RF band in use. This eld displays the name of the
frequency channel that NewStream is set. This eld can be modi ed in the Frequency
Settings page in Remote control. Refer to the Frequency Plans Page [SNG].