User's Manual

Page 92
NewStream User Guide and Technical Manual
Audio Alignment Level
The Audio Alignment radio buttons provide a means to select from EBU for standard
European transmissions or SMPTE, the standard for North American transmissions.
The ranges in dBm are shown below:
EBU [0dBm = -18dBFS]
SMPTE [+4dBm = -20dBFS]
Network Con guration
IP Type
The Internet Protocol Type drop-down entry eld provides the choice of either Static or
DHCP [Dynamic Host Con guration Protocol] to con gure the NewStream transmitter.
Internet Protocol addresses are assigned to a host either at the time of booting, or
permanently, by xed con guration of its hardware or software. Fixed, or persistent
con guration uses a Static IP address.
DHCP is a network protocol used to con gure network devices to communicate on an
IP network. A DHCP client uses DHCP protocol to acquire con guration information,
such as an IP address, a default router and one or more DNS server addresses from
a DHCP server. The DHCP client then uses this information to con gure its host. Once
the con guration process is complete, the host is able to communicate on the Internet.
IP Address
The Internet Protocol Address that is displayed for the
NewStream transmitter can
be modi ed. Click within the eld and type the value of the address that you want to
modify. Click Save Changes to retain the IP Address. When NewStream uses the
DHCP type, this eld displays the IP address received by the DHCP server.
Net Mask
A sub-network, or subnet, is a logical subdivision of an IP Network. All computers that
belong to a subnet are addressed with a common, identical, most-signi cant bit-group
in their IP address. This results in the logical division of an IP address into two elds: a
network or routing pre x and the rest eld or host identi er. The rest eld is an identi er
for a speci c host or network interface. Special gateways called routers exchange
traf c between sub-networks. Such routers constitute the logical or physical boundaries
between the subnets.
To change the Net Mask address, type the new value and click Save to retain the
Subnet Mask. When
NewStream uses the DHCP type, this eld displays the Subnet
Mask received by the DHCP server.