User's Manual

Page 95
NewStream User Guide and Technical Manual
License Manager Page
When the License Manager button is selected on the NewStream Web interface, the
following licensing details are displayed, as shown in the example Figure 43. To enable
newly licensed features, enter the License Key and click the Set Key button. Use the
button to refresh the Features lists. The License column displays whether the
features are available
or not .
Licensed Features
ENG Modulation Features
• LMS-T - 10 MHz
• LMS-T - 20 MHz
SNG Modulation Features [Upgrade Option]
• DVB-S2 16/32 APSK
MPEG-2 Encoder Features
• MPEG-2 SD - 4:2:0
• MPEG-2 SD - 4:2:2
• MPEG-2 HD - 4:2:0
• MPEG-2 HD - 4:2:2
Encryption Features
• BISS-1/E
Input Features
ASI Remux
H.264 Encoder Features
• H.264 SD - 4:2:0 [ENG/SNG/CNG]
• H.264 SD - 4:2:2 [ENG/SNG]
• H.264 HD - 4:2:0 [ENG/SNG/CNG]
• H.264 HD - 4:2:2 [ENG/SNG]
NewStream does not have a license for a particular function, the Web interface
displays those particular options as not available. If an attempt is made to load a
preset that contains the use of a license key which is not enabled, then the NewStream
system displays a warning on the LCD. Similarly, if an attempt is made to load a preset
that contains use of a license key that is not enabled on the system, within the Web
interface, a pop-up displays support information that enables you to call for licensing
support. To learn more about feature upgrades please contact LiveGear Support.