User Manual Part 1

Product Description 2-2MTX5000 User and Technical Manual
The MTX5000 has two mast-mounted ODU bands available.
Consult your Sales Representative or contact the factory for the
latest bands available. These ODUs contain integrated RF up-
conversion circuitry and high power RF amplifiers for maximum
power and signal quality.
With the new demands for digital modulation, the ODUs have
been optimized for improved Modulation Error Ratio/Error Vector
Magnitude (MER/EVM) performance with COFDM transmission.
2.2.2 MPEG Encoding and COFDM Transmission
The MTX5000 is capable of encoding both Standard Definition
(SD) and HD video, depending upon the options contained in
your MTX5000 system. Available inputs include SD Serialized
Digital video (ASI-SDI), HD-SDI, and composite video.
Audio input formats currently include digital AES/EBU and
analog formats. Future enhancements will include AC-3
SMPTE-302. The encoder is also capable of encoding an RS-
232 signal as Wayside data. The MTX5000 is capable of
generating a fully compliant DVB-T compliant output signal. This
provides a robust digital link in any hostile transmission
2.2.3 Analog Video Encoding and FM Modulation
When in the analog FM mode, the MTX5000 will accept a
standard composite video input. It will also accept analog audio
inputs. The FM analog signal is useful when working with older
legacy equipment or when an analog transmission is desired.
The MTX5000 IDU communicates with the ODU to set operating
frequencies and power levels. This interface is also used for
calibration of the ODU power supply and to monitor error
2.2.4 RF Control
The MTX5000 IDU (Figure 2-1) is designed to accept a variety of
external video and audio signals in different digital format
streams and analog signals and to provide a modulated 70 MHz
IF output.
Figure 2-1: MTX5000 Indoor Unit
The MTX5000 IDU allows you to switch between analog and
digital modes where both applications are used. The MTX5000
also provides separate video and audio or baseband composite
Key features of the MTX5000 IDU are as follows:
Switchable Analog or Digital modes
SD/HD SDI interfaces with multiplexing
Integrated SD/HD MPEG-2/H.264 encoding technologies
FM transmitter modulation technology (analog)
DVB-T COFDM modulation technology (digital)
IF (70 MHz) signal input and monitoring
Video monitoring output
Video and audio inputs for NTSC or PAL video/audio
signal transmission