User Manual Part 1

Product Description 2-11MTX5000 User and Technical Manual
2.8 Operating System Modes
2.8.1 General
The MTX5000 IDU offers two levels of operating system modes,
designed to match the needs of different personnel. These
operating modes are the Normal User Mode and the System
Setup Mode.
Regardless if you are operating in the normal user mode or in the
system setup mode, you can read the current settings using the
front panel color LCD display panel with either the touch screen
or the function keys. The MTX5000 IDU internal software
automatically detects what hardware is installed in the system
and applies the appropriate configuration.
The MTX5000 IDU also offers the ability to operate the system
either locally using the IDU front panel color LCD display panel
with either the touch screen or the function keys, or remotely via
an Ethernet connection to a PC at a remote location.
2.8.2 Normal User Mode
For the field operator, the MTX5000 IDU provides multiple
Presets that can be selected from the front panel. Each Preset is
configured with options applicable to the configuration of your
MTX5000 IDU.
Each Preset controls key parameters such as modulation and
audio and video settings. See ”Using the MTX5000 Screens in
Local Mode” on page 3-10 for additional information.
All normal user mode operations may be performed either locally
at the IDU or remotely via the Ethernet from a PC at a remote
location. Normal user mode operations may also be performed
remotely during mobile operations using the optional Remote
Access Subnotebook PC. See ”Using the MTX5000 in Remote
Mode” on page 3-60 for additional information.
2.8.3 System Setup Mode
For the advanced operator and technical staff, the MTX5000 IDU
allows password control of parameters in the MTX5000. For
additional information on the system setup mode, see ”Advanced
Operations” on page 5-1.
System setup mode operations may be performed locally at the
MTX5000 IDU using the front panel color LCD display panel with
either the touch screen or the function keys or remotely using the
remote web page software.
2.9 For More Information
Additional detailed technical information about the MTX5000 is
listed below:
Topic Chapter
Routine Operation
See Chapter 3, Routine
Advanced Operation
See Chapter 5, Advanced
See Chapter 6, Installation
Connections to other
See Chapter 6, Installation
Supported Repairs and
Repair Parts
See Chapter 7,
Replacement Parts and
Supported Repairs
Theory of Operation
See Chapter 8,Theory of