User Manual Part 1

Routine Operation 3-8MTX5000 User and Technical Manual
When the power switch is pressed to on and power is applied to
the MTX5000, a blank display initially appears on the color LCD
display panel. After a short delay, the introduction screen will be
displayed and a status bar will appear on the introduction screen.
Then, after a very short delay, the Main screen will be displayed.
Power to the MTX5000 must never be cycled off and on without
a minimum delay of 10 seconds between removal of power and
application of power. Just like a personal computer, a proper
shutdown of the MTX5000 is required to prevent corruption of
The MTX5000 must never be powered
down when the progress bar is displayed.
The software will become corrupted and the
MTX5000 may have to be returned to the
factory for repair.
Conversely, power to the MTX5000 must never be cycled to on
and then immediately to off, as corruption of software contained
in the radio may also occur. The MTX5000 must only be
powered down when the Main screen is displayed.
Under no circumstances should you remove
and re-apply power to the MTX5000 when
the progress bar is displayed during a self-
The software will become corrupted and the
MTX5000 may have to be returned to the
factory for repair.
If power to the MTX5000 is lost and is then re-applied
immediately or if the power switch is set to off and then to on in
less than 10 seconds, the MTX5000 internal software will
attempt a self-recovery when the power switch is set to on.
During the self-recovery process, the blank screen will initially
appear, followed by the introduction screen. The progress bar
will appear on the introduction screen, but progress will be much
slower than during a normal power up. Do not interrupt the self-
recovery process by cycling power to off and then to on, as
software corruption will occur.
Power Up
The steps required to properly power up the MTX5000 system
are contained in the following steps.
If power is accidentally lost or if the power
switch is pressed to off, do not immediately
power up the MTX5000 again.
Internal software corruption may occur if
power is applied immediately after a power
loss or if the power switch is pressed to off
and immediately back to on.
To avoid possible software corruption, wait a
minimum of 10 seconds before applying
power or before pressing the power switch
to on.
If you are unsure of the power requirements or
connections to the MTX5000, refer to the
“ Installation” section on page 6-1.