User Manual Part 1

Routine Operation 3-14MTX5000 User and Technical Manual
the SEL (select) function key, and observe the required option
screen is displayed.
Figure 3-10: Function Keys
3.4.5 Navigation Between Main and Status
Different Status screens are displayed depending upon the
Preset mode (Analog or Digital) selected. At the bottom of each
Main screen, navigation option buttons are provided that point to
the Status screen(s). When a navigation option button that
points to a Status screen is selected, the applicable Status
screen will be displayed.
At the bottom of most Status screens, navigation option buttons
pointing to the Main screen and the next Status screen, if any,
are provided. When navigation option buttons pointing to the
Main or Status screens are selected, the applicable screen will
be displayed.
3.4.6 Transmitter Operation Buttons
Transmitter operation buttons are displayed on most screens to
indicate or to change the current state of the transmitter.
Transmitter operation buttons are described in the following
Function Keys
PA Operation Button The PA operation button status indicator
is blue when selected, is labelled PA Off when the transmitter is
off, indicates PA with an amber button in warm-up mode, and is
green and is labelled PA On when the transmitter is on
When the PA operation button is selected using the touch screen
or the function keys and SEL key, the state of the transmitter (PA
On or PA Off) will change. The PA status indicator will then
change to the alternate green (on) or grey (off) indicator, as
RF Operation Button The RF operation button will display a
blue background when selected. The operation button will
display a yellow status indicator labelled L (low power) when the
transmitter is operating in the low power mode and will display a
green status indicator labelled H (high power) when the
transmitter is operating in the high power mode.
When the RF operation button is selected using the touch screen
or the function keys and SEL key, the functional state of the
transmitter will change and the RF status indicator will change to
the alternate yellow (low power) or green (high power) status
indicator, indicating the current state of the transmitter.
ODU Status Button The ODU status button displays the
current Outdoor Unit (ODU) alarms. The ODU status button will
display a green status indicator to indicate no alarm conditions
exist in the ODU. The ODU status button will display a yellow
status indicator if a minor alarm is detected that does not
adversely affect transmit operations. The ODU status button will
display a red status indicator if the ODU is reporting at least one
major alarm that adversely affects transmit operations.
When the ODU status button is selected using the touch screen
or the function keys and SEL key, the ODU Status screen (See
Figure 3-11 on page 3-15) will be displayed indicating the current