User Manual Part 2

Advanced Operations 5-85MTX5000 User and Technical Manual
In the following step, if a factory default digital ASI
Preset is to be used to prepare a new Preset
configuration, select the Default option.
If a custom digital ASI Preset is to be updated or is
to be used to prepare a new Preset, select the
User option.
15. Use the Presets Option pull-down menu and select
Default or User, as required.
16. Use the Color Bars pull-down menu and select Off,
On, Auto Gen, or Auto Standby, as required.
17. Use the PA State Option pull-down menu to select
Off or Last, as required, and select the Submit option
18. Select the Main tab and observe the Main page is
19. Use the Preset pull-down menu to select the default or
user custom digital ASI Preset required.
20. Select the Setup tab and observe the Setup page is
21. Select the COFDM tab and observe the COFDM page
is displayed.
22. Use the Constellation pull-down menu to select
QPSK, 16-QAM, or 64-QAM, as required.
23. Use the FEC pull-down menu to select 1/2, 2/3, 3/4,
5/6, or 7/8, as required.
24. Use the Guard Interval pull-down menu to select
1/32, 1/16, 1/8, or 1/4, as required.
25. Use the RF B/W pull-down menu to select 6 MHz, 7
MHz, 8 MHz, 10 MHz, or 20 MHz, as required.
26. Select the Submit option button.
27. Select the Preset tab and observe the Preset page is
In the following steps, if a factory default digital ASI
Preset was used as a “make-from” to prepare this
custom Preset, the Preset Text text box and the
Preset Number text box must be changed. You
cannot change or overwrite any factory default
If a custom digital ASI Preset was used as a
“make-from” to prepare this custom Preset, a brief
description of the custom Preset should be entered
in the Preset Text text box for easy identification
purposes. The Preset number must be changed
only if you do not wish to overwrite the custom
28. Select the Preset Text text box and enter a unique
digital ASI Preset description.
If you used a factory Default Preset or a custom
User Preset as a “make-from” and you want to add
the new Preset to the list of User Presets
contained in your MTX5000 IDU, you must know
the highest user Preset number contained in your
IDU. To add the new Preset to the list of User
Presets, go to step 29.
If you used a custom User Preset as a “make-
from” and you want to use it to replace (overwrite)
an existing custom User Preset, go to step 31.