User Manual Part 2

Advanced Operations 5-95MTX5000 User and Technical Manual
49. Use the Encoder - Remux pull-down menu to select
On or Off, as required.
50. Select the Encoder - GOP Length text box and enter
the group of pictures length required.
51. Use the Encoder - Aspect ratio pull-down menu to
select 16:9 or 4:3, as required.
52. Use the Encoder - VBI pull-down menu to select On
or Off, as required.
53. Select the PID - Video text box and enter the program
identifier, as required.
54. Select the PID - PCR text box and enter the program
identifier, as required.
55. Select the PID - PMT text box and enter the program
identifier, as required.
56. Select the PID - Audio 2 text box and enter the
program identifier, as required.
57. Select the PID - Data text box and enter the program
identifier, as required.
58. Select the PID - Audio 1 text box and enter the
program identifier, as required.
59. Select the Encoding - Service Name text box and
enter the service name, as required.
60. Select the Encoding - Network Name text box and
enter the network name, as required.
61. Use the Encoding - Data Enable pull-down menu to
select Off, TTV Format, CJM2 Format, or Low Delay
CJM2, as required.
62. Use the Encoding - Baud Rate pull-down menu to
select 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, or 38400, as
63. Select the Submit option button.
64. Select the DVB-S tab and observe the DVB-S page is
65. Use the Roll Off pull-down menu to select 20%, 25%,
or 35%, as required.
66. Select the Symbol Rate text box and enter the symbol
rate required.
67. Select the Preset tab and observe the Preset page is
In the following steps, if a factory default digital
DVB-S Preset was used as a “make-from” to
prepare this custom Preset, the Preset Text text
box and the Preset Number text box must be
changed. You cannot change or overwrite any
factory default Presets!
If a custom digital DVB-S Preset was used as a
“make-from” to prepare this custom Preset, a brief
description of the custom Preset should be entered
in the Preset Text text box for easy identification
purposes. The Preset number must be changed
only if you do not wish to overwrite the custom
68. Select the Preset Text text box and enter a unique
digital DVB-S Preset description.