Operation Manual

12 MIDA S DL16 User Manual 13 MIDA S DL16 User Manual
5. Standalone Operation
The DL16 does not necessarily need to be used in conjunction with the
M32 console. A pair of DL16 units can be linked to send 16 channels to and from the
stage, providing a high-quality digital snake that can work with any analog mixer.
In this scenario, a master DL16 will be placed at FOH near the main mixing
console, and the other on the stage (see ’DL16 as standalone snake’
hookup diagram). TheFOH unit must be set to SN MASTER mode so that it can
control the preamps of the unit on stage. All sends from FOH to the stage can be
connected to INTPUTS 1-8 on the ’master’ DL16, which will appear at the on-stage
units XLR OUTPUTS. Connect all the sound sources from the performers to INPUTS
1-16 of the on-stage DL16. Channels 1-8 will appear at the ’master’ DL16s XLR
OUTPUTS and channels 9-16 will appear at the ADAT OUTPUT. Connect the ADAT
9-16 OUTPUT to an ADA8200 or similar preamp to provide analog XLR outputs.
The outputs from the ’master’ DL16 and the ADA8200 can be connected to any
sort of main console for mixing, analog or digital.
Note - when using a pair of DL16 units as a standalone digital snake,
themaster unit at FOH is able to control the mic gains of the unit(s) on stage.
However,inorder to do so, one must press the SELECT/ADJUST button on
themaster unit so that the display reads St 1.
For recording applications, a single DL16 can also be used as a high-quality
mic preamp. Connect the sound sources to the INPUTS 1-16, and send those
channels via ADAT to an interface or ADAT card installed in your computer.
For this scenario, the DL16 must be set to SPLITTER mode.
6. MIDI Communication
The DL16 head amp gain and phantom power settings can be controlled remotely
via MIDI whenever it is used standalone, independent from the MIDAS M32.
Note: The DL16 will only accept MIDI controls when its preamps are not controlled
via AES50 already. Connection to an M32 console or another DL16 in SN Master
mode will always inhibit reception of preamp related MIDI commands.
The standard channel for transmit/receive of MIDI controls is 1. MIDI channel 2 is
used when the SN slave unit is to be controlled via the SN Master unit.
Select CC # Value Channel Description
SN MASTER “In 1-16” (FOH)
0, 127
Controls local head amps of master unit
Gain In 1-16, -2.5…+45 dB, 2.5 dB steps
48V Phantom 1-16 on/o
“St 1-16” (Stage)
0, 127
Controls remote head amps of slave unit
Gain In 1-16, -2.5…+45 dB, 2.5 dB steps
48V Phantom 1-16 on/o
No MIDI transmission or reception when
controlled by SN Master or M32 console
Ext Sync w/o
AES50 preamp control
0, 127
Gain In 1-16, -2.5…+45 dB
48V Phantom 1-16 on/o
Note: The string 0xEE, 0x7E, 0x7E can be sent for testing if a DL16 is
communicating via MIDI. The response would be 0xEE, 0x7E, 0x7F when
MIDIinputs and outputs of the DL16 are connected to the test interface.
7. Specications
A/D converters (8-channel, 24-bit @ 44.1 / 48 kHz) 114 dB dynamic range (A-weighted)
D/A converters (stereo, 24-bit @ 44.1 / 48 kHz) 120 dB dynamic range (A-weighted)
Networked I/O latency
(stagebox in > console processing* > stagebox out)
1.1 ms
XLR inputs, programmable mic preamps 16
XLR outputs 8
Phones outputs, ¼" TRS 1 (mono)
AES50 ports, SuperMAC 2
P-16 connector, ULTRANET (no power supplied) 1
MIDI inputs / outputs 1 / 1
ADAT Toslink outputs (2 x 8 Ch) 2
USB type B, rear panel, for system updates 1
Mic Input Characteristics (MIDAS PRO)
THD + noise, @ unity gain, 0 dBu out < 0.01% unweighted
THD + noise, @ +40 dB gain, 0 dBu out < 0.03% unweighted
Input impedance XLR, unbal. / bal. 10 kΩ / 10 kΩ
Non clip maximum input level, XLR +23 dBu
Phantom power, switchable per input 48 V
Equivalent input noise @ +40 dB gain, (150R source) -125 dBu, 22 Hz – 22 kHz unweighted
CMRR, XLR, @ unity gain (typical) > 70 dB
CMRR, XLR, @ 40 dB gain (typical) > 90 dB
Input/Output Characteristics
Frequency response @ 48 kHz sample rate 0 to -1 dB 20 Hz to 20 kHz
Dynamic range, analogue in to analogue out 107 dB (22 Hz - 22 kHz unweighted)
A/D dynamic range, preamp and converter (typical) 109 dB (22 Hz to 22 kHz unweighted)
D/A dynamic range, converter and output (typical) 110 dB (22 Hz - 22 kHz unweighted)
Cross talk rejection @ 1 kHz, adjacent channels 100 dB
Output level, XLR, nom./max. +4 dBu / +21 dBu
Output impedance, XLR, unbal. / bal. 50 Ω / 50 Ω
Phones output impedance / level 40 Ω / +21 dBu (mono)
Residual noise level, out 1-8 XLR, unity gain -86 dBu, 22 Hz - 22 kHz unweighted
Display 4-digit, 7-segment, LED
Front status LEDs
AES50-A, red/green
AES50-B, red/green
HA Locked, red
SN Master, green
Splitter, orange
Out +16, orange
Out +8, orange
Sig, -30 dB, -18 dB,
-12 dB, -9 dB, -6 dB,
-3 dB, Clip
Rear panel Splitter mode, orange
Switch-mode autorange power supply 100-240 V (50/60 Hz)
Power consumption 45 W
Dimensions 482 x 225 x 89 mm (19 x 8.9 x 3.5")
Weight 4.7 kg (10.4 lbs)
* incl. all channel and bus processing, excl. insert eects and line delays