
MIDI “NOTE” to numerical value lookup table
To store the recall a memory between the console and a midi device or the windows
software available from Midas ( such as an MDF3 midi Filer) select the SYSTEM
menu, using the UP and DOWN keys select DATA and press CONFIRM. Using the UP
and DOWN keys select either SAVE or LOAD and press CONFIRM. There are 2 of
communication either MIDI (through the midi port rear of the console or via RS-232
( NB software will shortly be available to support this ). Select either MIDI or SERIAL
using the UP and DOWN buttons and press CONFIRM. The screen will then indicate
the function being carried out and notify the user when finished.
1/ Connect the null modem cable.
2/ Select the Show menu and click on 'Download From Console'. A window will open and set up the Comm port.
The message Waiting for Show data will then be displayed.
3/ Select the 'SYSTEM' menu on the H2000 and scroll to 'DATA'. Press 'CONFIRM', then scroll to 'SAVE' and
press 'CONFIRM'. Now scroll to 'RS-232' and press 'CONFIRM'. The show memory from the H2000 will then
be down loaded into the computer. When the data transfer is complete, the H2000 will ask you to confirm the
4/ Select the Show menu in Hsutil and click on Save To File.
5/ A prompt will appear asking for a show a name. Give the file type as *.shw.
6/ Click on OK and the file will be saved.
1/ Connect the null modem cable.
2/ Select Show menu and click on 'Load From File'. Using the browse function select the show you wish to
download into the console and click on OK. A window will open telling you the loading is complete, click
on OK.
3/ Select the Show menu in Hsutil and click on Upload to console. A window will open asking you to hit upload
when console is ready.
3/ Select the SYSTEM menu on the H2000, and scroll to 'DATA' then press 'CONFIRM'. Scroll to 'LOAD' and
press 'CONFIRM'. Now scroll to RS-232 and press 'CONFIRM'.
4/ Click on the 'Upload' button.
5/ When the file is downloaded successfully, the H2000 will prompt you to press 'CONFIRM'. The show memory
from the computer will now be loaded into the H2000.
Midi Sysex Dumps:
Saving The Memory From The H2000 To A File
Down Loading A Show Into The H2000
-2-101234 5678
c 0 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 120
c# 1 1325374961738597109121
d 2 14 26 38 50 62 74 86 98 110 122
d# 3 1527395163758799111123
e 4 16 28 40 52 64 76 88 00 112 124
f 5 17 29 41 53 65 77 89 01 113 125
f# 61830 425466789002114126
g 7 19 31 43 55 67 79 91 02 115 127
g# 8 2032445668809203116-
a 9 21 33 45 57 69 81 93 04 117 -
a# 10 22 34 46 58 70 82 94 05 118 -
b 112335475971839506119-