Operation Manual

88 Chapter 8: Patching
PRO Series Live Audio Systems
Owner’s Manual
Patching tooltips
Patching uses two types of tooltip — standard and list — to convey useful patching
information about the patch connectors. A tooltip is a transitory object, in the form of a
text box, that only appears while the GUI’s pointer is in the proximity of a patch
Standard tooltip
The standard tooltip is the default type that appears during all patching operations
(unless the list tooltip is selected). The following diagram shows, typically, the type of
information provided by a standard tooltip.
Typical standard tooltip
List tooltip
If you are carrying out a sequence operation, you can use the list tooltip to help in
selecting the destinations in the To section. This tooltip, which has a distinctive
translucent orange background, displays a list of the sources still to be patched. The
list is in order of selection, with the first in the queue being at the bottom. You can only
use the list tooltip for sequence operations.
Typical list tooltip
Item Description
1 Patch connector information panel, contains information on the selected
patch connector, such as, name, ID, device name, device ID etc.
Depending on the device type, a signal level meter appears if the channel is
passing audio.
2 Routing information panel, contains patching information on the selected
patch connector. (If this panel is blank, the patch connector is not
3 The patch connector that the tooltip belongs to.