Operation Manual

90 Chapter 8: Patching
PRO Series Live Audio Systems
Owner’s Manual
About the configuration window
The configuration window, which has a similar format for each device, comprises eight
channel panels and drop-down lists for channel range/card selection.
Typical device configuration window
Device configuration procedure
Although the procedure for configuring the devices is similar, their parameters are
dependent on device type. The procedure for configuring the devices of a similar type
Opening the configuration window of the device.
Selecting one of the device’s cards/channel ranges and configuring the available
Repeating for the other cards/channel ranges of the device.
Repeating for the other devices.
Closing the device’s configuration window.
Note: As the set-up procedure is similar for each device (although some of the options
may vary), only the one for DL351 Modular I/O is detailed in this section.
Item Description
1 Device ID field, contains the device type and number.
2 Device drop-down list, for device selection.
3 Channel range/card selection list.
4 CLOSE button, closes the configuration window.
5 Channel panel, contains device-specific controls and graphics.
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