Operation Manual

158 Chapter 15: Graphic Equaliser (GEQ)
PRO Series Live Audio Systems
Owner’s Manual
About the Graphic EQs screen
The Graphic EQs screen represents a virtual eight-unit rack of user-configurable GEQs.
The number of units (shown in the Graphic EQs screen below) depends on the number
of GEQs configured and the type of PRO Series Control Centre (see “To configure the
PRO Series Control Centre with the number of GEQs and effects” on page 161).
Figure 21: Graphic EQs screen (configured for 12 GEQs)
The main sections of the Graphic EQs screen comprise:
GEQ patching source The border to the left each GEQ unit will display its source,
if patched. In the diagram above, GEQ 1 has been patched to “AS3” (aux 3).
GEQ rack overview This section contains an overview of the total number of GEQ
racks in use, and also aids GEQ navigation/selection. The number of racks, which
ranges from one to five, is dependent on configuration.
GEQ rack A ‘virtual’ rack containing up to eight GEQs. The rack also includes
STORE PRESET and LOAD PRESET user library buttons (see Chapter 24 "User
Libraries (Presets)" on page 235).
>> To open the Graphic EQs screen
Do one of the following:
At the GUI, choose home
Rack UnitsGraphic EQs.
In the primary navigation zone, press the effects/graphics access button twice.
>> To open a GEQ rack
In the Graphic EQs screen, click inside the desired unit.
GEQ rack
GEQ rack
GEQ patching source