Operation Manual

Output channel configuration controls 327
PRO Series Live Audio Systems
Owner’s Manual
Output channel configuration controls
There are a number of output channel controls that are loosely termed ‘channel
configuration’ controls. The following table shows the configuration controls available
on each output and references the pertinent section within this chapter.
Table 20: Output channel configuration controls
Output channel ID (GUI only)
You can change the channel name in the GUI
channel strip. This can be done in the output
channel overview or in any of the processing areas.
To change the background colour of the output channel name field (green in the
example shown) and/or the channel name, open the Output Channels Sheet screen
of the GUI menu.
>> To change the channel name in the GUI channel strip
Click within the channel name field and type in the new channel name (see “Text
editing” on page 57).
Output channel source/destination (GUI only)
The channel’s destination is shown in the text field
of the configuration processing area. If no
destination has been selected, it will contain the
text “Unassigned” (as shown right). You can select the destination for this channel by
clicking dest, which opens the Patching screen (see Chapter 8 "Patching" on page 71).
For routing information, see Table 25 “Navigating to the Patching screen” on page 418.
Channel controls Aux Return Matrix Master Refer to
Output channel ID Yes Yes Yes Yes Page 327
Output channel
Destination Source Destination Destination Page 327
Stereo linking Yes Yes Yes Yes Page 328
Gain swap N/A Yes N/A N/A Page 328
Mix Yes N/A N/A N/A Page 328
Input mode N/A Yes N/A N/A Page 328
Link fader N/A N/A Yes N/A Page 328
Bus trim Yes N/A Yes Yes Page 328
Direct input Yes N/A Yes Yes Page 328
Safes (EQ,
dynamics, mic,
auto, mute and
All six Five only
All six All six Page 329
Insert Yes N/A (on
Yes Yes Page 329
Delay Yes N/A Yes Yes Page 329
Processing order Yes N/A Yes Yes Page 329