Operation Manual

400 Appendix G: Troubleshooting
PRO Series Live Audio Systems
Owner’s Manual
Error condition messages
The following table contains the possible error condition messages for both the file and
automation systems. These messages comprise the first line of the error message as
they appear on the GUI.
Table 21: List of error condition messages
System Type Error Message Fault Condition
File Failed to copy file Attempting to copy a file.
File Failed to delete file Attempting to delete a file.
File Failed to rename file Attempting to rename a file.
Automation Failed to copy point scene to
point scene
Attempting to copy one point scene
to another.
Automation Failed to create a new show Attempting to create a new show.
Automation Failed to delete point scene Attempting to delete a point scene.
Automation Failed to expand point scene
Attempting to expand point scene
range, that is, by inserting an extra
10 point scenes, for example,
expanding scene 10.00 will add
point scenes 10.10, 10.20 etc., up to
Automation Failed to initiate point scene
Attempting to initiate point scene
storage, that is, when clicking Store
on the GUI. (A successful outcome
is to display the ‘Store’ window.)
Automation Failed to insert point scene Attempting to complete point scene
storage by clicking OK after
selecting “Insert before scene”.
Automation Failed to load show Attempting to load a show file.
Automation Failed to recall last scene Attempting to recall the previous
scene to the control surface.
Automation Failed to recall Next scene Attempting to recall the next scene
to the control surface.
Automation Failed to recall Now scene Attempting to reload the current
scene or the current jog scene (if
any) to the control surface.
Automation Failed to rename point scene Attempting to rename a point scene.
Automation Failed to save file Attempting to save a currently
loaded file.
Automation Failed to save file to new
Attempting to save a currently
loaded show file to another file
name, that is, by using the Save As