Operation Manual

Text editing 57
PRO Series Live Audio Systems
Owner’s Manual
>> To open a GUI menu screen using a screen access button
In the primary navigation zone, press a screen access button to open the first screen
(printed to the right of the button). Press it again to open the second screen.
These two examples show you how to use the screen access buttons to open the
Automation screen (single press) and the Graphic EQs screen (two presses). These
buttons take you directly to the screen you want.
Text editing
A keyboard is used to type in text on the GUI, for example, to configure input and
output channel names. Editable text on the GUI is contained in text boxes, which
generally consist of a single line of limited length. Although all text editing can be done
using the normal keyboard functions, the GUI can be used to assist you, for example,
by highlighting portions of text (using drag).
>> To enter/edit text via the keyboard
1 At the GUI, click in the text box to place an insertion point in it. The pointer will
change to an I-beam shape.
2 Using the keyboard, type in the new text. If the text box already contains some
text, you can delete this first or edit it, which can be done via the keyboard or by
using the cut, copy and paste options after right-clicking.
3 Press ENTER on the keyboard to exit the text box (or click on an empty area of
the GUI screen). The pointer’s shape will change back to an arrow.