Operation Manual

114 Chapter 14: Monitors And Communications
PRO2 Live Audio System
Owner’s Manual
source (a and b) sections
The source a and source b sections contain monitor input
selector switches. On both the A and B systems, these define
the source for the monitor section from the possible ‘primary’
choice of stereo master (ST), mono master (MONO) or external
(EXT). Additionally, each section has a talkback switch.
The function of the buttons in each source section is as follows:
•Talk A and B switches, sum the talk back signals to the solo
bus. The talk mic section (see “Talk mic” on page 118) has
a level control knob that is shared between the two monitor
ST switch, routes post-fader stereo master mix to stereo
local monitor outputs.
EXT switch, routes stereo external input (two-track return etc.) to stereo local
monitor outputs.
MON switch, routes post-fader mono masters mix to stereo local monitor outputs.
solo (a and b) sections
The solo signals can be selected for each monitor system (A and
B) to be AFL, PFL, additive or interlock cancelling. PFL and AFL
audio buses may accept injected external signals, and two
control knob level controls make adjustments.
PFL and AFL levels are adjustable via the pfl level and afl level
control knobs; see “solo system section” on page 115.
The function of the buttons in each solo section is as follows:
PFL switch, sends mono pre-fader listen (PFL) solo bus
signals to headphones and local monitor outputs. With PFL
switch disabled (LED extinguished), stereo after fader listen
(AFL) solo bus signals are sent to headphones and local
monitor outputs.
ADD switch, allows multiple channel access to solo buses. When solo add mode is
off, pressing a solo switch cancels any currently active solos. Multiple solos (for
example, stereo left and right signals) can be monitored in this mode provided solo
switches are pressed at approximately the same time. When solo add mode is on,
auto-cancelling is defeated, which allows multiple channel or output soloing. In this
mode, input solos have priority over output solos and VCA solos, and will temporarily
override them. When input solo is cancelled, output solo or VCA solos will return.
CLEAR switch, illuminates when a solo switch is active in its monitor section and,
when pressed, clears any solo switches in that section.
Off On Right monitor signal is routed to both of the monitor
speaker outputs.
On On Left and right monitor signal routing is swapped over, that
is, left monitor signal is routed to the right monitor speaker
output, and the right one is routed to the left monitor
speaker output.
button Monitor signal routing