Operation Manual

134 Chapter 16: Internal Effects
PRO2 Live Audio System
Owner’s Manual
Flanger effect
The flanger effect consists of one or, if configured as stereo, two dual-tap delay lines.
One tap is fixed and the other tap position is modulated to provide ‘thru-zero’ flanging
or single tap modulation when ‘thru-zero’ is off.
Front panel of the flanger effect
Item Control Function
1 Delay control
Adjust length of modulated delay line in milliseconds.
In ‘thru-zero’ mode, also sets the delay of the dry
path. Range is 0.1 to 10, with 5 at top dead centre.
2 ON button Switches the flanger effect on and off. Illuminates
when power is on.
3 Feedback control
Adjusts the amount of negative/positive feedback
applied to the flanger. Range is from -100% to
+100%, with 0% at top dead centre.
4 Modulation meter A single row of 37 yellow LEDs are used to show the
5 Out meters Two rows of 15 green LEDs, one each for L (left) and
R (right).
6 In meters Two rows of 15 green LEDs, one each for L (left) and
R (right).
7 Gain control knob Adjusts the signal level in dB. Range is from -20dB to
+20dB, with 0dB at top dead centre.
8 Invert switch Inverts the wet signal.
9 Mix control knob Adjusts the mix between dry (0%) wet (100%).
10 Hi EQ control knob Filters section control for adjusting the amount of HF
(high EQ) cut or boost applied to the effect output (in
dB). Range is -12dB to +12dB with 0dB at top dead
11 Lo EQ control
Filters section control for adjusting the amount of LF
(low EQ) cut or boost applied to the effects output (in
dB). Range is -12dB to +12dB with 0dB at top dead
12 HF control knob Damping section control for adjusting the high
frequency (kHz) tuning of flanger feedback. Range is
1kHz to 20kHz, with 10kHz at top dead centre.
13 LF control knob Damping section control for adjusting the low
frequency (kHz) tuning of flanger feedback. Range is
20Hz to 1kHz, with 140Hz at top dead centre.
1 2 15 6 4 5 7
3 14 18
17 16 13 12 11 10 9 8